Police Academy Cadets Graduate from Clark State

Clark State Community College held a graduation ceremony for 16 cadets of the Peace Officer Training Academy at 6 p.m. on August 2 in the Hollenbeck Bayley Creative Arts and Conference Center, 275 South Limestone Street. The graduates represent the second class of cadets to complete their training in the new facility located in the Brinkman Educational Center in downtown Springfield.

Clark State offers peace officer training academies each year—four-month daytime academies and six-month evening academies are each held twice a year. Each academy is limited to 25 cadets. Cadets must be 21 years of age at the time they take the state certification exam. Cadets must also have a valid Ohio driver’s license, a high school diploma or GED equivalent and cannot have any felony or violent misdemeanor convictions.

Police Academy Graduates

Taylor Baker

Joshua Emory

Branden McDuffie

Jamie Payne

Carley Raney

Christopher Slusser

Posted August 11, 2017